A Henlow aquatics store is venturing into new waters after funding was secured for a new adventure golf course.

Perfect Aquatics in Hitchin Road received a £259,000 funding package from Lloyds Bank, to help the business diversify its revenue stream by developing 0.35 acres course.

Bermuda Falls will feature 18 aquatic themed holes, with work already under way on the attraction which is set to open next year.

Perfect Aquatics currently employs 30 members of staff and has plans to take on an additional 10 people once the course is open to the public.

"Since work began on Bermuda Falls, we’ve had such amazing support from the local community and a real buzz throughout the shop," said Pete Wootton, owner of Perfect Aquatics.

"The development will give us an opportunity to diversify our revenue stream, with this increased income allowing us to continue investing in the business’ sustainable footprint, which is a key pillar in how we operate.

"The support from Lloyds Bank has allowed us to take the business to new heights and boost our resilience. The team’s knowledge and experience has supported the diversification of the business which has proved to be invaluable."

The Comet: The course will create 10 new jobs.The course will create 10 new jobs. (Image: Perfect Aquatics)

The new venue is set to increase turnover by 40 per cent once the course opens, with Daniel Mills, relationship manager at Lloyds Bank, adding: "The current high cost-of-living continues to cause a downturn in household incomes. 

"Businesses are being challenged to think innovatively in an effort to boost consumer spending patterns as we enter the last few months of the year.

"Perfect Aquatics’ expansion offers a blueprint to other firms looking to diversify their revenue streams and create opportunities for growth.

"We will remain by the side of retail businesses to help them steer through these uncertain economic times."

In addition to the Bermuda Falls expansion, Perfect Aquatics has recently enhanced its green credentials by installing 500 solar panels, which provide 150KW of power, around 60 per cent of its annual usage.

Plans are also in place to explore battery storage technology for the whole site to capture any excess energy generated to be deployed during periods of increased demand.