Fake public notices claiming there are plans to set up temporary campsites for the homeless in the centre of Letchworth have been popping up around the town.

These notices claim that a planning application has been received by North Herts Council for the "provision of temporary camping sites and toilet facilities for the homeless in Letchworth Garden City town centre".

The sites specified are Station Place, Broadway Gardens and Howard Gardens.

However, North Herts Council has confirmed that these public notices are fabricated, and no such planning application has been received.

A spokesperson for the council said: "North Herts Council would like to assure residents that this public notice is completely fabricated.

"We have located and removed a number of these notices. If residents see any more, please let us know.

"We are trying to ascertain the source of this public notice, and have reported it to the police."

The Comet has asked Hertfordshire Constabulary for comment.