A developer is seeking outline planning permission to build up to seven new homes in Meppershall. 

The plans for the land to the west of Shefford Road include up to seven houses with private gardens.

A planning application has been submitted to Central Bedfordshire Council, with a planning statement accompanying the application saying that the proposed development would "not cause harm to the living conditions of neighbouring properties".

It also says: "It is not considered that the residential development of the site would be out of keeping with the character and appearance of this part of the village.

"The development of the site would result in noticeable change in terms of the character and appearance of this part of Shefford Road, but the site is set within an overtly residential context, and it is not considered that its development for residential would cause any demonstrable harm to the immediate setting or character and appearance of the area."

To view the application in full, and have your say by April 24, visit centralbedfordshire.gov.uk and search for reference CB/24/00887/OUT in the planning portal.