A Baldock nursery headteacher hailed its ‘uniquely special’ approach as they celebrated an 'outstanding' Ofsted rating.

Weston Way Nursery School received perfect marks from inspectors, scoring ‘outstanding’ (the highest possible grade) on each of the categories used by Ofsted.

The categories are quality of education, behaviour and attitudes, personal development and leadership and management.

Headteacher Kelly Nichol said: "Our inspection provided us with the opportunity to share our quality provision we offer our children during their nursery adventure with us.

"Everything we do holds each child at the heart as we adapt to meet their needs.

"Our offer at Weston Way Nursery School is something uniquely special that enables children to truly get lost in their early learning in an expansive woodland environment.

"Our passionate staff work together to offer many magical opportunities creating memories that last a lifetime. I am proud of everyone who has been part of this adventure with us."

Ofsted inspectors found that children enjoy attending the nursery, activities are well planned and that children form good relationships with each other.

The report says: “Weston Way Nursery provides a welcoming and nurturing environment for all children. The classrooms are well-designed and very appealing.

"Children happily take part in the well-planned activities. They know the routines well. Children navigate the whole environment with high levels of independence, considering their age."

Further praise was given to Weston Way for its 'diverse and well-designed curriculum'.

The nursery also provides plenty of support to children with special educational needs, and takes steps to support them with their learning, ensuring that they do not get left behind and are not inhibited by their condition.

The report also praises Weston Way’s extracurriculars, saying: "The school offers a wide personal development programme. Children benefit from the visitors who come to the school and participate in various trips.

"For example, the farm comes to visit the children and the children visit the local library, further developing their knowledge of the world."

Weston Way has a limited number of places for children to join in September, details of which can be found on their website.