A "well-planned and resourced curriculum" is one of the many strengths highlighted by the inspector of a school in North Hertfordshire.

St Mary's Church of England Infants' School in Baldock has been celebrated as "a life-affirming school which seeks to love and serve the pupils and families in its community", following a Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools (SIAMS).

The SIAMS report says: "Leaders and staff are committed to the personal development of pupils. This is highly valued by parents, who are grateful for the compassionate and nurturing care which is given to each pupil.

"Relationships at all levels are strong and supportive. This is exemplified by school leaders and inspired by the Christian vision. Staff and pupils treat each other very well, so that all are able to flourish holistically."

The inspector found that "behaviour in classrooms and during social times is calm and well-managed," with "pupils demonstrating their understanding of the needs of their peers through impressive sensitivity and generosity of spirit".

She said that poor behaviour is rare but, when it happens, adults listen and help to resolve problems.

Other highlights include that "communication between the school and parents is excellent", that "pupils with a variety of needs access learning effectively", and that professional development for staff is prioritised.

The report also says how "pupils enjoy lessons and enthusiastically describe enrichment opportunities".

Areas identified for development include expanding pupils' age-appropriate understanding of injustice in the world around them, so that they begin to see wider opportunities to make a difference.

Headteacher Verity Edey said: "I am incredibly proud of how far the school has come in the last few years.

"All decisions within the school are always made with the vision at the forefront and what will reap the best outcomes for our children.

"Staff at St Mary's are ambitious in their aspirations for pupils, are driven to enrich the curriculum and take pride in fostering good relationships with pupils and their wider families.

"It was a real pleasure to read that the inspector saw all of the wonderful elements that makes our school unique and a great place to flourish.

"Our children could articulate our vision in action really well and were all a real asset to the school.

"A huge thank you to our diocesan representatives who have worked closely to support the school in its drive to succeed over the last few years

"The only way is up, and we are looking forward to presenting an exciting new enrichment programme for our children for the year ahead. Watch this space."

Ben Hodson, the chair of governors, added: "The governors are absolutely thrilled that, yet again, after the school was turned around last summer with a good Ofsted, the school has been recognised for the important role it plays in the community in supporting young people and their families.

"St Mary's is at the heart of the community, fostering excellent relationships with a committed team of staff, volunteers and parents."