Primary school PSHE specialists based in Stevenage have been shortlisted for a national award in recognition of their positive impact on children's development.

1decision is a supplier of interactive educational resources to support children’s personal, social and emotional development.

The company is in the running for the Educational Resource Award – Primary at the Education Business Awards 2024.

This award category recognises 'an innovative educational product or service which supports teaching and increases pupil engagement in the primary schools sector'.

1decision provides PSHE, relationships and health education and personal development resources for early years and primary children in 2,000 schools in the UK, and in 19 other countries.

At the heart of the resources are 120 short films and animations, with alternative endings which give children the opportunity to safely explore possible outcomes for the characters based on choices and decisions, in a fun and interactive way.

From fire safety and anti-bullying, dealing with grief and understanding the effects of peer pressure to road safety, knife crime and much more, 1decision covers real-life scenarios and the consequences of each decision.

These are complemented by worksheets, interactive games, printable activities, assembly packs, and a newly-developed personal development transition quiz enabling teachers to assess gaps in PSHE education.

Hayley Sherwood, CEO of 1decision, said: "We are really proud of our achievements over the past 12 years and believe the longevity of our presence in primary schools is a testament to the positive impact our resources continue to have on pupils’ learning experiences.

"Our mantra is to create resources which are focused on prevention, not cure, and to be shortlisted for this award is further recognition of the difference we are making."

Hazel Lancaster, assistant headteacher at Purwell Primary School in Hitchin, said: "The children find the resources engaging and fun and make them think about the important things to keep themselves safe and happy.

"The lessons are all inclusive and encourage children to actively consider what they would do in many different everyday situations."

The award winner will be announced on June 12 in a ceremony at the Leonardo Royal London St Paul’s Hotel.