Major works to improve safety and visibility at a junction near Stevenage have been completed.

Herts Highways started major works at the junction of B197 Graveley Road and North Road in January.

"This was a Road Safety Scheme to address a long-standing issue with collisions, and we've redesigned the junction to improve safety and visibility for all users," explained a spokesperson for Herts Highways.

Traffic lights have been installed on all three sides, including pedestrian crossing provision across North Road. 

High friction road surfacing has been laid on the North Road approach to the junction to improve skid resistance.

Lighting has been installed at the T junction, linking with the existing columns at A1(M) Junction 8 roundabout and in Graveley village. The illumination from the new street lighting reaches both the footway and the road to improve visibility.

Existing signage has also been repaired and cleaned.

Vegetation that had reduced the width of the footpath has also been cleared, with the footpath repaved and resurfaced where necessary.

The Herts Highways spokesperson said: "We'll monitor the junction and expect the new scheme will make a big difference to the safety of the junction for all road users."