A key business gathering to develop supplier relationships and stimulate Stevenage's economy is returning this month.

Scheduled from 9am to 1pm on Tuesday, June 25 the Stevenage Meet the Buyer event will be held at the Knebworth Barns.

Organised by Stevenage Borough Council, biz4Biz and Sustainable X, the event aims to support businesses in achieving sustainable development goals by generating lucrative connections.

Adrian Hawkins OBE, chair of the Stevenage Development Board and of biz4Biz, said: "It’s events like these that help to stimulate the local economy by encouraging local connections and providing local opportunities for local businesses.

"Entrepreneurs will greatly value the opportunity to meet such important buyers and demonstrate their product ranges and services and we look forward to meeting them all on June 25."

Organisers of the event hope attendees will gain insights into forthcoming tender possibilities, specialised support schemes, brand enhancement strategies, waste reduction lessons, and operational efficiency tips.

There'll also be the chance to explore the greening of residential properties and the opportunity to secure contracts in this potential market.

Rondi Allan, director at Sustainable X, said: "We look forward to meeting businesses of all sizes at this event and enhancing the local connections."

To reserve a free place, interested businesses can register by searching 'Stevenage Meet the Buyer' on eventbrite.com/e/stevenage-meet-the-buyer-tickets-912740169417?aff=oddtdtcreator