Plans to build a four-bedroom in a busy Hitchin street have been refused.

The applicant sought permission North Herts Council to build the property in the car park at the rear of 9 Sun Street, which is currently occupied by Plan Burrito and the Bella Vita Hotel.

The application was turned down last week, with the council's decision notice reading: "The proposed dwelling, by reason of its siting within the car park, its proximity to the side boundaries and being a single residential dwelling would result in a contrived form of development, contrary to the local context of this side of the river and would result in an incongruous addition that fails to enhance the character of the locality.

"Further concerns were also raised, including the development being "overbearing" due to its height when compared to nearby buildings.

"The proposed siting of the dwelling, by reason of its proximity to a nearby public house, would result in conflict between the future occupiers of the dwelling proposed and the users and operators of the public house," the decision notice continued.

"The proposed development, by reason of its height and siting in relation to Malthouse Court, would result in an overbearing impact for windows and balconies serving this building."