A well-known family restaurant in Stevenage has applied to the borough council for a Certificate of Lawfulness.

The Corey's Mill Beefeater is seeking a Certificate of Lawful Use of the premises as a restaurant, despite the business running on this site for more than 10 years.

In a 'letter of instruction' accompanying the application to Stevenage Borough Council, it says: "This application seeks a Certificate of Lawful Existing Use for the use of the premises as a restaurant within Class E  - commercial, business and service.

"The submitted statutory declaration very clearly supports the site subject of this application to have remained in restaurant use (only) for a period of in excess of 10 years. During this period, food sales have predominated at the site (72.69%), even when drinks bought in conjunction with a meal are excluded from the above figure."

The council is due to make a decision by August 13.