A planning application has been submitted to build new flats in Letchworth's Jackmans Estate.

The proposal, submitted by Kirsty Petch, would see 15 apartments built in a three storey building in Newells, with six one-bedroom and nine two-bedroom properties.

The plans also include the demolition of three existing buildings and garages.

"The application site is situated within the Jackmans Estate, completed in 1973, within Letchworth," the planning and design statement reads. 

"The site is currently occupied by three terraced two-storey home with front and rear gardens, alongside associated parking, garages and grassland.

"The proposal would redevelop an underutilised site in a sustainable location to deliver an uplift in residential units, within a new high-quality and well-designed building, improving the overall appearance of the site.

"The proposed development has been designed to respond to the existing context and will not result in any detrimental impacts on neighbouring properties, the highway network or the natural environment.

"The height and massing of the proposed building sits comfortably within the surrounding built context and will be a similar height the to the buildings in the surrounding area."