The temperature and wind strength may not have felt like summer but it was not enough to put Datchworth Bowls Club off enjoying their traditional opening to the season.

Datchworth’s outdoor season also started with a regular battle between president and captain.

They had 42 members braving the somewhat chilly but dry conditions for the annual clash between squads chosen by the president and captain, and found the green a little bit "pushy" after the wetter than usual winter.

But following the hard work of club greenkeeper Peter Hills, who is also the president, and his band of willing helpers, the game went ahead.

Four of the six rinks were separated by just four shots or less but Hills' squad only managed one rink win, as the captain’s team prevailed by 108 shots to 85.

They only winning rink for the president came from Linda Tyler and Jim Whittle, who each shared half the game, Gill Parsley, Julian Hales and Ian Williams.

They claimed a 19-16 success.

The best of the captain’s five winning rinks was that of Sue Hemmings, Jack Harper, Dave Castle and Keith Smith with a 23-13 victory.

Like many others, Baldock Town are hosting an open day this summer, with theirs scheduled for Monday, May 6, between 1pm and 5pm.

A spokesman said: "This was very successful last year, when we gained 20 new members who have become an integral part of our club.

"We ask people to come along and try bowls. No experience is necessary, just wear trainers or flat shoes.

"We are in West Avenue, just off Norton Road."

Whitethorn's first friendly against Stotfold ended in a 70-60 defeat despite the four rinks being shared.

However, they won game two against Fairfield 79-50, winning three of the four.

The club are also entering the Stevenage Mixed League this season.