Come on, buy a subscription. I'll be your friend, promise!

OK, so perhaps that's a bit on the childish side but it is that time of year when the season when I come cap in hand giving it the full Oliver - please sir.

Some will already know this but for those that don't, the Comet went to a subscription model earlier in the year, just after last season finished.

What that means is for certain stories, you will need to have a subscription to read it.

Don't panic, the vast majority of stuff will still be free, unless you happen to read a load of stories in a month (thank you by the way if that is you).

But we are going to hold back some of our better pieces for those that pay a small amount.

And if you take out a subscription between now and August 21, you can take advantage of what is our best ever offer - six months for just £6.

August 2024's promotion comes in team for Stevenage's new season. (Image: Comet Sport)

This is a great time to do it too, Stevenage's season all kicks off again on Saturday and my plan is to be at every game, apart from the Orient home game when my mate has decided to get married. I mean I went to the last one so not sure why he wants me there again but hey-ho....

What a subscription will give you is my thoughts on every match, exclusive interviews and specials that I haven't even dreamt up yet.

Player ratings are definitely coming back this season among other things.

Being a paid-up subscriber also means you'll see less advertising on our website, and can access all areas of our totally ad-free app - which is a much better user experience.


On top of that, you also get all our news coverage, food and travel reviews and a range of exclusive games and puzzles.



Ah yes I hear you cry, but isn't the exclusive stuff just you waffling on? Well yes, a lot of it will be, you've got me there. But what if that story is the one where I spell everything correctly or, heaven forbid, actually say something sensible and thought provoking? Do you really want to miss that?

In all seriousness, I would love you to come along for the ride. Covering Stevenage over the last couple of years has been fun, and I didn't think that would be the case when I took over full time in 2021.

And I want to give something back, I don't want to just tread water. I want my coverage to be better than everyone else in the company. I want people to point towards the Comet and Stevenage as being ahead of the game.

That can only be good for everyone - myself, you and the club.

And if you do take out a subscription then you have the right to hold me to task, to make me perform better.

And you have the right to ask for things you'd like to see. I will always try and accommodate the fans.

So that's it, sales pitch over, apart from one last thing. If you decide to take out a subscription then could you please click on one of my stories first before you click subscribe? That way I get the credit for bringing that into the company and it has already been proven that football and sports fans are keen for more content.

I want to continue that and put Stevenage among the big boys (plus it may keep me in a job a bit longer so humble thanks if you decide to)

To help, here's a link to one of my Harvey White interview a week or so ago. Click HERE for that.

Anyway, back to Bragbury End on Thursday, back to the Lamex on Saturday and then back on the road after that.

It promises to be a huge season for Boro and I'll be there with you.