After two tots strapped into a double buggy plunged into a Stevenage lake, there have been fresh calls for safety measures, but the council says fencing off the body of water is "not feasible".

Last week, the Comet reported how mum Stacey Pallister had been enjoying a sunny afternoon at Fairlands Valley Park with her children when the buggy her twins were strapped into rolled into the sailing lake.

The toddlers were submerged and Stacey, out of her depth in the water, could not drag them to safety.

The Comet: Stacey and her children had been enjoying a trip to Fairlands Valley Park in Stevenage when the horror unfolded.Stacey and her children had been enjoying a trip to Fairlands Valley Park in Stevenage when the horror unfolded. (Image: Courtesy of Stacey Pallister)

A stranger jumped into the water and rescued the tots, who were unharmed, with Stacey hoping the unknown hero will come forward so she can thank him. 

Since the story, there have been repeated calls for Stevenage Borough Council to install a fence or railings around the sailing lake, as this is not the first time a pushchair has rolled into the water.

One Stevenage resident said: "This is the second time a pushchair has gone in the lake, that I know of, this year.

"I remember as a teen almost falling in, and I remember my brother falling in.

"Surely a railing around the lake might be a good idea."

Another said: "We witnessed something similar last year at Fairlands. It’s so dangerous with no fence around the edge."

A third added: "Something needs to be done about this. This is not the first time this has happened in this particular part of Fairlands Valley Park. Several other people have had the same terrifying experience."

However, the council has said it is "not feasible" to fence off the lake. 

A spokesperson for the local authority said: "We were sorry to hear about the incident involving the pushchair and are glad to hear that no one was harmed. 

"People should always exercise caution when walking or playing near open water.

"It isn’t possible to remove all risks associated with open water, and it is not feasible to fence off the entire lake at Fairlands Valley Park.

"We would remind visitors, in particular those with young children, to remain alert and cautious when walking near to the lake or any open water."