Speaker Joseph Williams will give a talk on James Joyce's Ulysses in Letchworth in honour of Bloomsday.

Ulysses is set over the course of a single day - June 16 - and each year on that date Joyce fans celebrate Bloomsday, named after the protagonist Leopold Bloom.

Letchworth Arts and Leisure Group's (LALG) Ulysses reading group, which meets monthly in the Broadway Gallery, has organised a Bloomsday celebration from Friday, June 14 to Sunday, June 16.

As part of the festivities, Ulysses expert Joseph Williams will give a talk at David's Bookshop at 7pm on Friday, June 14 - entitled 'James Joyce's World Famous Novel "Ulysses" - Why?'.

Entrance costs £3 and there is a bar available.


Hugh Pollock, of the Ulysses reading group, said: "If you have ever wondered about the fuss and the controversy Ulysses generated - the public outrage, the obscenity charges, the novel's literary merit, the legal actions and bans, the High Court judgements here in the UK and the Supreme Court battles in America, including the strong views held by present day critics and writers - now is the time to have your questions answered."

Other Bloomsday events include a Bloomsday Sunday morning stroll around the centre of Letchworth, with readings and costumes.

For full details visit lalg.org.uk.